Seattle, Day By Day

A photo blog and other such nonsense
What is Seattle Day By Day?

I’ve had to ask myself that question a lot recently.  This site started as a daily photo blog; one photo posted every day. Every. Day. It was tough to maintain but that was part of the challenge.

All told I made it over 365 days of posting something each and every day. It was a rewarding experience, and as with anything where you push yourself I learned and grew from the experience.

But there’s a lot of other things I want to do, and not just in photography. I have a number of music and art projects in the works, and my interests in photography continue to expand and evolve in different directions.

So this is no more a true every-day photo blog. In fact, I’m not sure it will be JUST a photo blog as it was in the past. I might end up deciding to post other things about Seattle. After all, I do live here, I do love it here, and there’s a lot to enjoy about this part of the world.

So stay tuned – this site will continue to be something, but exactly what? I just don’t know.


ps – in the meantime all the old posts and projects are still available with some highlights and links below.

Some Random Images

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